Bill Stone, MA, LPC-S

I realize that there are a lot of therapists out there and it would be refreshing to find one who is unique in some way or different from the “masses.” I believe that I am such a therapist. I have over 16 years of clinical experience and have worked with virtually every type of client. My clinical experience includes individuals, couples, adolescents and families. I have worked in outpatient and inpatient settings as well as jails and prisons. I am comfortable working with any client from any background. My areas of specialty are Depression, Anxiety, Bi-Polar Disorder, Addictions, Trauma, Grief and Loss, Domestic Violence and LGBTQ issues. I strive to work with clients to help them improve their interactions with others and to establish better relations with significant others, friends, family and co-workers. Please allow me to help you meet your goals.

606 Avenue J
Marble Falls, TX 78654
(830) 693-0530

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