Bella Therapy Dog

I believe I was born to love others especially if they are hurting (or have treats). I do like to show humans my favorite toys. This is me saying “hey! Welcome and I’m happy you’re here!.” When I sniff your leg, this is me making an assessment to see where you are with any life struggles. I do use my mom (Cari) to assist with any diagnosing, of course. My love is unconditional and I have no need to know your age or even your name. I just want to see you (and check for any treats). I see myself as highly intelligent, with a sense of humor and a classy style (think Elizabeth Taylor, Greta Garbo or Meryl Streep).

I hope to see you soon. Love, Bella

606 Avenue J
Marble Falls, TX 78654
(830) 693-0530

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